Internet Course:
Advanced Internet Class
For selected employees who need to learn more about Internet tools and
advanced search techniques. Turn average users into "power users" who can
effectively use the full capabilities of the Internet.
Description of hidden information universes on the Internet
(everything is not in WWW)
Assembling a complete suite of software applications
A Swiss army knife (ala Netscape) can't do everything!
- Helpers, viewers and players to handle every type of file on the planet
Comparison of On-line Information resources
- Subject trees vs. search engines
- Advanced query commands (ways to avoid 20,00 "hits" with a search engine)
- Information filtering services
- "must have" meta-sites
Hundreds of specialized search resources
Reaching the Internet's most powerful information resource: Its Users!
- Mailing list and newsgroup resources
- A commonly overlooked shortcut - direct email
Advanced features of your web browser
Trends in information filtering / distribution
Class is a full-day session (6 contact hours) - More than half of the time is spent on
On-line demonstrations are used throughout the class, including sites specifically
related to the organization's industry.
Pre-requisite: Participants must have at least several months Internet experience
(they should already be familiar with Yahoo, Alta Vista, HotBot, etc.)
Additional information About the Classes
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